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I’ve Been Nominated!


1 Put the award logo/image on your blog

2 List the rules.

3 Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

4 Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well

5 Tell your readers 3 things about yourself

6 You have to nominate 10 – 20 people

7 Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog

8 Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice;

9 with one weird or funny question (specify)

10 Share a link to your best post(s)

THANK YOU JOY!!!  Thank you so much Joy from

for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award!!!

Created by: Okoto Enigmas Blog

3 Things about me:

*I am first and foremost a wife and Mother of two great kids.

*Secondly, I am an assistant preschool teacher of 11 years and former middle school music teacher of 10 years. Hard to believe I’ve been in the educational field that long….

*I love anything to do with music or art. My actual major in college was piano and I minored in voice. Art has always been a close second to music.

Now, to answer Joy’s questions about me…

1 How long have you been blogging ? I’ve been blogging since 2008. Who knew I’d have that much to say….😂

2 Why did you start your blog ? I originally had moved from NC to FL and didn’t know anyone and was staying at home with my son. Because I didn’t really know anyone I found a way to express myself through my opinions and my art.

3 What is your goal in life ? To raise my children to be good citizens in their community and to inspire others through my love for art.

4 How has the Lord shown His might through you ? I guess, through my work through the educational field and through making things for others with my art He’s allowed me to be there for others and spread His love through me.

5 (Now for my weird question) Have you ever been able to do a cartwheel? Nope. I’ve never been able to. The only athletic thing I’ve been able to do is swimming on a swim team….😂

My best post ? I would have to say that the Quilled Wedding Scene on a Photo was my most popular. You can read it here.

Okay, now my turn to ask the questions:

1. What’s your most memorable comment from a blog post?

2. What do you hope to accomplish with your blog?

3. What is your most proud moment in life?

4. How has your faith been influenced by your upbringing and life experiences?

5. (The obligatory weird question) What genetic characteristics do you have (hitchhiker thumb, attached/unattached earlobe, ability to curl tongue,etc…)

And the blogs that I wish to nominate are…

Crafty Boutique by Tam

Zahra Ammar

North Liza Lane

Janette Leeds Art and Words

Imperial Crochet

Handmade Boxes and Cards

Chaotic Shapes


Of course, you are in no way required to participate, it’s simply an act of recognition for an awesome blog!


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