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Showing posts from May, 2018

Quilled Letter I

With every letter I create, there seems to be a story that goes along with it. Some are more in depth and emotional than others, but I think it makes what I do even more heartfelt and meaningful. This one is for a special family. The heart and rainbow of colors represent their story…

I’ve Been Nominated!

RULES 1 Put the award logo/image on your blog 2 List the rules. 3 Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog. 4 Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well 5 Tell your readers 3 things about yourself 6 You have to nominate 10 – 20 people 7 Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog 8 Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; 9 with one weird or funny question (specify) 10 Share a link to your best post(s) THANK YOU JOY!!!  Thank you so much Joy from for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award!!! Created by:  Okoto Enigmas Blog 3 Things about me: *I am first and foremost a wife and Mother of two great kids. *Secondly, I am an assistant preschool teacher of 11 years and former middle school music teacher of 10 years. Hard to believe I’ve been in the educational field that long…. *I love anything to do with music or art. My actual major in college was piano and I minored in voice. Art has always been a close se...

Quilled Mountain Scenes

So one of my favorite things to create are these themed quilled letters. I’ve made a few beach ones as you’ve seen and I’ve also created mountain scenes. I’ve tried to make each one a little unique in its own way for every person that’s requested one…. . Here is a video I made to show some of the process… Quilled Mountain Scene Hope you enjoy! Jennifer

“It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” ~unknown #digitalartist #art_sharing #mandala #blackandwhite #mandala_art #positivequote #believeinyourself #trialanderror #beoriginal #applepencil #amaziograph #symmetry #originalartwork

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