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IPhoneX Thoughts

I’ve had my IPhoneX for a while now and after initially being hesitant to purchase it, I must admit I love it. It has a similar feel to my old Android phone that I had a long time ago and there are several points that I must rave about….

The first thing I love is the screen size. Getting old sucks in relation to your vision and with all the apps and social media I use, this comes in handy for sure.

It’s user friendly. Even with the home button being gone, it doesn’t take long to adapt to getting around. You have to be a little open minded and play around with it a bit. Unlike my old IPhone 6s, I am able to quickly jump back and forth between apps without it locking up or freezing.

The camera! Oh my lawd, I’m in love with this camera. For all my pictures for my blog, Instagram, FB, and Etsy, I am able to take so much more better pictures. The portrait feature is phenomenal in itself.

Let me show you an example of the difference between the regular camera shot and the portrait shot. (My beautiful pups are awesome for this…).

Plain camera on IPhoneX-

Portrait Pic with IPhoneX-

Crazy, huh?

Here’s some more pics I made with the portrait feature….

I’m sure there are more reasons I could give and I if I think of them, I’ll be sure to let you know….Do you know of any I’ve forgotten?


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