I was given the chance to try L'Oréal's Paris Magic BB Cream. I was thrilled, because I am always on the lookout for a light makeup that won't trigger my acne. I am in my (ahem.....) forties and have to deal with acne. If I wear very heavy makeup it covers it, but often times makes it worse because here in Florida it is frequently hot and humid. If I wear lighter makeup, it's like putting up a sign....OOH SPOTS and REDNESS. It just doesn't camouflage it. Well, SheSpeaks picked me to sample it! I washed my face with my usual acne cleanser and then followed the directions by putting it on lightly with my fingers. I wanted to see what the cream did because the self-adjusting beads were supposed to blend into my skin tone. After applying it, my skin felt much softer and it does help moisturize my dried out skin due to the acne medication. However, it did not cover up my acne as much as I wanted. I did let my daughter...
Quilling Fun, Crafting, Family, and whatever is on my mind at the time.